Welcome to IPA Estonian Section homepage



What is the IPA?

The International Police Association is an independent body made up of members of the police service, whether on active duty or retired, and without distinction as to rank, sex, race, colour, language or religion.  Its purpose is to create bonds of friendship and to promote international co-operation. The Association is committed to the principles set out in the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights as adopted by the United Nations on 10th December 1948.

IPA is NGO in Consultative (Special) Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations;
in Consultative Status with the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States and UNESCO;
International NGO maintaining operational relations within EUROPOL
More information about IPA can be found on IPA-IAC homepage.


About us

The Estonian Police was founded on 12 November 1918, and it existed until the summer of 1940 when the Estonian State formally lost its independence to the Soviet Union. The foundation of the Estonian Police took place in extremely difficult conditions – at the time of the War of Independence.

The Estonian Police was re-established within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in March 1991 by the Police Act.

IPA Estonian section was founded on 1993 whit help of Finland section and from 1995 we are as a recognized national section.

We have more then 200 members and 5 regions in our section.
Each year we organize summer days in July, which are very popular in our region.




For more information we also recommend you to visit our Estonian language page.

We have chosen to include Google translation service on our website. We are fully aware that it is not a correct translation from Estonian to the separate languages ​​offered, but perhaps you can get a hint of what we present on the site.
Google translator can be found on the lower left corner.


Für weitere Informationen empfehlen wir Ihnen auch unseren estnischen Sprache besuchen.

Wir haben uns entschieden, Übersetzung-Service von Google auf unserer Website aufzunehmen. Wir sind voll und ganz bewusst, dass es nicht ist eine Richtige Übersetzung aus Estnisch it separaten Sprachen enter Cure, vielleicht aber kann man einen Hauch von was wir auf der Website präsentieren.
Google Übersetzer kann auf der unteren linken Ecke zu finden.


Pour plus d'informations nous vous conseillons de visiter notre page en langue estonienne.

Nous avons choisi d'inclure le service de traduction the Google sur notre site Web. Nous sommes pleinement conscients qu'il n'est pas une traduction quote correcte you estonienne pour les langues distinctes, mais peut-être vous pouvez obtenir une indication de ce que nous vous présentons sur le site.
Google traducteur peut être trouvé sur le coin inférieur gauche.


Para obtener más información, también le recomendamos que visite nuestra página del idioma estonio.

Hemos optado incluir por el servicio de traducción the Google a nuestro sitio web. Somos plenamente conscientes de que no es una traducción correcta part estonian a las Lenguas dist ingested ofrece, pero puede quizás see Obtener una pista de lo que gift amos en el sitio.
Google traductor puede ser encontrado en la esquina inferior izquierda.




Estonian Police car from 1991 and from 2012. Photo: PPA