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2nd Seminar of Women in Policing and the 1st International Festival of Creative Skills
Algus Kolmapäev, 01. Juuni 2016
Lõpp Pühapäev, 05. Juuni 2016
Kontakt See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.


On behalf of IPA Russia, please see attached an invitation to attend the Seminar of Women in Policing and the 1st International Festival of Creative Skills Organised for 1 to 5 June 2016 in Moscow.
A registration form and full program is attached for Both the events.
If you are interested in attending the event please contact the Secretary-General See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.  03/14/16 at the latest.

PS Any of participants:
The Seminar of Women in Policing,
The 1st International Festival of professional-creative skills or
The IPA Mediterranean Regional Conference
All taking place in Moscow from 1 to 5 June 2016,
Extra nights at the Cosmos Hotel can be reserved for the following prices if you wish to extend your stay:
Single room € 70 per person per night
Double room € 50 per person per night
Any questions can be Sent to Russia IPA: See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud. 

Any participants of:

· The Seminar of Women in Policing,

· The 1st International Festival of professional-creative skills or

· The IPA Mediterranean Regional Conference

All taking place in Moscow from 1- 5 June 2016, please see below the complete bank details to send registration payments to:

Account in KB NMB (OOO) Moscow, Russia
Bank Acc No. 40703978800000010048 with CB NMB (OOO), Moscow, Russia,
The current transit account: 40703978800000010048
European currency EUR: № 0104558382 in VTB Bank Deutschland (AG), Frankfurt-am-Main.

Update 22.03: Dear participants of the event held from June 1-5 in Moscow, together with registration forms please send copies of passports for visas to Russia. 

Asukoht Moskva, Venemaa