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The XV Seven a Side International Football Championship for Police.
Algus Neljapäev, 17. Mai 2018
Lõpp Pühapäev, 20. Mai 2018

Hello, IPA friends
The next year 2018, between days 17th and 20th May, IPA Tarragona organizing the The XV Seven a Side International Football Championship for Police.
On this occasion, it will be played in the town of La Pineda / Vilaseca (Tarragona – Catalonia), in tourist season.
Therefore, IPA Tarragona has got a limited number of Hotel rooms, at a very interesting price, so, we recommend manage reservations, as soon as possible.
Please, attached files with all the Information of the Championship.
Please, if you have any doubts, consult us and we will answer any question. ( See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud. )
Extend, your police contact, this information.
Best Regards
Anton Casas
President IPA Tarragona
Sports Delegate IPA Cataluña
Delegate IPA España.


Asukoht La Pineda / Vilaseca, Tarragona, Kataloonia, Hispaania